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Health policy and advanced practice nursing [electronic resource] : impact and implications, second edition
 ISBN  978082616945
 ISBN  978082616944
 พิมพ์ลักษณ์  [S.l.] : Springer Publishing Company, 2017
 เลขเรียก  362.17
 เลขหมู่  RT8
 ครั้งที่พิมพ์  2nd ed
 ลักษณะทางกายภาพ  560 p
 หมายเหตุ  Contents: Health policy and advanced practice nursing : impact and implications, second edition
-- Contents
-- Contributors
-- Preface
-- Acknowledgments
-- Share Health Policy and Advanced Practice Nursing: Impact and Implications, Second Edition
-- Unit I: Health Policy from an Advanced Practice Perspective
-- Chapter 1: Prolific Policy: Implications for Advanced Practice Registered Nurses
-- Chapter 2: Turning Health Policy Into Practice: Implications for Advanced Practice Registered Nurses
-- Chapter 3: Johnson & Johnson Campaign for Nursing’s Future: An Impetus for Change
-- Chapter 4: The IOM Report—The Future of Nursing -- Chapter 5: Updates on the Implications for Practice: The Consensus Model for APRN Regulation -- Chapter 6: Effective State-Level APRN Leadership in Health Policy -- Chapter 7: State Implementation of the APRN Consensus Model: Progress to Date -- Unit II: Implications of Health Care Reform and Finance on APRN Practice -- Chapter 8: The Patient Protection Affordable Care Act (PPACA) -- Chapter 9: AARP Initiatives -- Chapter 10: Million Hearts® -- Chapter 11: Value-Based Purchasing and Its Impact on Advanced Practice Nursing -- Chapter 12: Funding of APRN Education and Residency Programs -- Chapter 13: Implications of Health Care Reform on Independent Practice -- Chapter 14: The Affordable Care Act: Primary Care and the Doctor of Nursing Practice -- Unit III: Health Policy and Special Populations: Implications -- Chapter 15: Interface of Policy and Practice in Health Care Reform: What Nurses Can Do to Improve Health Care -- Chapter 16: The Aging Population -- Chapter 17: Health Policy Implications for Advanced Practice Registered Nurses Related to End-of-Life Care -- Chapter 18: Health Policy Implications of Genetics and Genomics on Advanced Practice Nursing -- Chapter 19: Oncology -- Unit IV: Health Policy and Its Impact on APRN-Driven Quality and Research -- Chapter 20: Moving Toward Accountable Care: A Policy Framework to Transform Health Care Delivery and Reimbursement -- Chapter 21: A Systemic Approach to Containing Health Care Spending -- Chapter 22: Connecting Research Priorities, the Research Agenda, and Health Policy -- Unit V: Effects of Changes in Health Policy on Nursing Organizations -- Chapter 23: The Coalition for Patients’ Rights—A Coalition That Advocates for Scope-of-Practice Issues -- Chapter 24: The American Nurses Association -- Chapter 25: Policy and the Integration of Advanced Practice Nursing Roles in Canada: Are We Making Progress? -- Chapter 26: The Future of Nursing: Campaign for Action -- Unit VI: The Future of APRN Practice and Health Care Policy Nationally and Internationally -- Chapter 27: Health Policy for Advanced Practice Registered Nurses: An International Perspective -- Chapter 28: Credentialing Across the Globe: Approaches and Applications -- Chapter 29: Advanced Practice Nursing: The Global Perspective -- Chapter 30: The Future for Nurse Practitioners -- Chapter 31: What the Future Holds for Clinical Nurse Specialist Practice and Health Policy -- Chapter 32: The Certified Nurse-Midwife in Advanced Nursing Practice -- Chapter 33: Health Care Policy and Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists: Past, Present, and Future -- Chapter 34: Advocacy, Policy, and Politics in Action: A Case in Point—Full Scope of Practice Within the VA Health System -- Health Policy Acronyms -- Index.3 Offer
 หมายเหตุ  ealth of information about the role of all types of APRNs in influencing the development of health care policy in a wide range of specialties. Featuring nine completely new chapters, this second edition delivers an invigorated focus on developing policy that advocates for vulnerable populations and discusses how the incorporation of interprofessional education has changed health policy. 0 Advan
 หัวเรื่อง  s1 --Goudrea
 หัวเรื่อง  le 0--United
 หัวเรื่อง  icy 0--Nurse
 หัวเรื่อง  Practice Nursing 0--Healt
 ผู้แต่งร่วม  Mary C., editor40 https:/
 ผู้แต่งร่วม  lly A., editor1 Smolens
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