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E-books : เกี่ยวกับ Collections
Advanced practice psychiatric nursing [electronic resource] : integrating psychotherapy, psychopharmacology, and complementary and alternative approaches
 ISBN  978082610871
 ISBN  978082610870
 ISBN  082610870
 พิมพ์ลักษณ์  [S.l.] : Springer Publishing Company, 2013
 เลขเรียก  616.89/023
 เลขหมู่  RC44
 ลักษณะทางกายภาพ  581 p
 หมายเหตุ  Contents: Advanced practice psychiatric nursing : integrating psychotherapy, psychopharmacology, and complementary and alternative approaches
-- Dedication
-- Brief Contents
-- Contents
-- Contributors
-- Foreword
-- Preface
-- Section I: The Dynamic Nature of Advanced Practice Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing
-- Chapter 1: Theoretical Understandings and Evidence Base for Practice
-- Chapter 2: Shared Decision Making: Concordance Between Psychiatric Mental Health Advanced Practice Nurse and Client
-- Section II: Foundations for Integrated Practice -- Chapter 3: Synergy of Integrative Treatment -- Chapter 4: Overview of Psychotherapy -- Chapter 5: Overview of Psychopharmacology -- Chapter 6: Overview of Complementary/Alternative Approaches -- Chapter 7: Stages of Treatment -- Section III: Integrative Management of Specific Syndromes -- Chapter 8: Integrative Management of Disordered Mood -- Chapter 9: Integrative Management of Anxiety -- Chapter 10: Integrative Management of Psychotic Symptoms -- Chapter 11: Integrative Management of Sleep Disturbances -- Chapter 12: Integrative Management of Disordered Eating -- Chapter 13: Integrative Management of Disordered Cognition -- Chapter 14: Integrative Management of Disordered Attention -- Chapter 15: Integrated Management of Self-Directed Injury -- Chapter 16: Integrated Management of Other-Directed Violence -- Section IV: Special Considerations -- Chapter 17: Co-Occurring Substance Misuse and Psychiatric Syndromes -- Chapter 18: Medical Problems and Psychiatric Syndromes -- Chapter 19: Pregnancy During Psychiatric Syndromes -- Chapter 20: Forensic Issues and Psychiatric Syndromes -- Chapter 21: Global Perspectives and the Future of Advanced Practice Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing -- Index -- Back cover
 หมายเหตุ  Abstract: This text reinvigorates the emphasis on the therapeutic relationship that is the core of nursing practice. It also relies on our strong history as therapists and introduces a need for integration of all aspects of care, a true holistic approach that characterizes the nursing perspective...The book should serve as a review for nurses who are studying for certification exams [and is] very useful for coursework in DNP programs as well as the masters programs in psychiatric mental health nursing. -Grayce M. Sills, PhD, RN, FAAN Professor Emerita, Ohio State University From the Foreword Now in its second edition, this groundbreaking text and reference continues to be the only resource for APRNs to focus on integrative interventions forindividuals with mental health problems across the lifespan. Combining theory and practice, it provides a clear framework for integratingpsychopharmacology, psychotherapy, and Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) into advanced practice nursing. The second edition is thoroughlyupdated to reflect current research, new classifications in DSM 5, genetic testing, and increased use of telemental health delivery. It builds upon itslifespan focus and updates quick-access pediatric pointers and aging alerts. Additionally, the resource incorporates the 2014 publication of the ANA Scopeand Standards of Practice for Psychiatric Nurses, offers a new focus on QSEN requirements, and responds to the need to reduce health disparities andaddress cultural considerations. Organized around psychiatric syndromes, the text covers neurobiology, theory and research evidence related to psychopharmacology, psychotherapy, and CAMinterventions. It provides a virtual buffet of clear treatment options in the form of well-designed decision trees and accompanying explanatory narratives.The text also includes a section on such special considerations as substance misuse, medical problems, pregnancy, and forensic issues that often co-occurwith psychiatric syndromes. Concise, clear language and abundant charts, graphs, and algorithms enhance the books‚Äô value in supporting sound clinicalreasoning. 0
 หัวเรื่อง  ntal Disorders1
 หัวเรื่อง  ychiatric Nursing 0
 หัวเรื่อง  vanced Practice Nursing 0
 ผู้แต่งร่วม  tzpatrick, Joyce J., editor40
 ผู้แต่งร่วม  saie, Kathleen R., editor1
คุณยังไม่ได้ล็อกอิน คุณสามารถมีกิจกรรมร่วมกับเว็บไซต์ได้ แต่ต้องล็อกอินก่อน ::
    หัวเรื่อง [ychiatric Nursing 0]



  คอมเมนท์: Advanced practic..
Bib 13399111244

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